
Our stevedoring services involve the efficient loading and unloading of cargo from vessels. Our skilled stevedores, equipped with modern handling equipment, ensure swift and secure cargo operations. We handle various types of cargo, including containers, bulk commodities, and project cargo, providing a seamless and reliable service.

Cargo Survey

We offer comprehensive cargo survey services to verify the quantity, quality, and condition of goods during transportation. Our experienced surveyors conduct detailed inspections and provide accurate reports, helping clients mitigate risks, ensure compliance, and make informed decisions. We cover a wide range of cargoes, including dry bulk, liquid bulk, and containerized goods.

Supply and Installation of Electric Power Transformers, Generators, and Power Stations

We specialize in providing comprehensive solutions for electric power infrastructure. Our services include the supply and installation of electric power transformers, generators, and power stations. We work closely with our clients to assess their power requirements, design suitable systems, and ensure the seamless installation and commissioning of power equipment. Whether it’s upgrading an existing power system or setting up a new power station, we deliver reliable and efficient solutions to meet the energy needs of our clients.

Importation and Supply of Agricultural Inputs

We offer importation and supply services for a wide range of agricultural inputs. From fertilizers and seeds to pesticides and crop protection products, we source high-quality agricultural inputs from reputable suppliers worldwide. Our goal is to support the agricultural industry by providing farmers and commodity associations with the necessary inputs to enhance crop productivity, promote sustainable farming practices, and maximize yields.

Supply of Agricultural Machinery to Commodity Associations and Farmers

We understand the importance of mechanization in modern agriculture. To facilitate efficient farming operations, we provide a range of agricultural machinery and equipment to commodity associations and farmers. Our offerings include tractors, harvesters, irrigation systems, planting equipment, and more. By supplying reliable and technologically advanced machinery, we aim to increase agricultural productivity, reduce labor costs, and improve overall efficiency in the farming sector.

Civil Engineering Construction Works

Our civil engineering construction services encompass a wide range of projects, including infrastructure development, building construction, and site development. With a team of skilled engineers and project managers, we undertake projects of various scales and complexities. Our expertise includes site preparation, road construction, drainage systems, building construction, and other civil engineering works. We are committed to delivering projects that meet the highest quality standards, adhere to timelines, and fulfill client requirements.